Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy
Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Massage
Dr. Melissa Maher | 4733 W. Atlantic Ave. #C21 | Delray Beach , FL 33445 | P. 561.894.7010
Our Services Covered By Most Major Medical Insurance and Auto Insurance. We also have very resonable cash prices
Great for Recovering Addicts and Alcoholics
Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage Therapy:
-Trigger point therapy
-Deep Tissue
-Myofascial release
-Muscle release Techniques
-Reiki & energy work
Rehabilitation Infant & Children's Care:
-Pre natal Massage & Care
-Workshops & Health classes
-Custom Laser Orthotics
-Electric Muscle stimulation
-Hydroculater Muscle therapy
Dr. Melissa Maher | 4733 W. Atlantic Ave. #C21 | Delray Beach , FL 33445 | P. 561.894.7010
Our Services Covered By Most Major Medical Insurance and Auto Insurance. We also have very resonable cash prices
Great for Recovering Addicts and Alcoholics
Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage Therapy:
-Trigger point therapy
-Deep Tissue
-Myofascial release
-Muscle release Techniques
-Reiki & energy work
Rehabilitation Infant & Children's Care:
-Pre natal Massage & Care
-Workshops & Health classes
-Custom Laser Orthotics
-Electric Muscle stimulation
-Hydroculater Muscle therapy
Click here to visit Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy