Destination Hope, Inc.Fort Lauderdale, FL

6555 NW 9th Avenue
Suite 214
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: (954) 771-2091

Entering Drug Rehab or Alcohol Rehab can be the greatest decision an addict and their family will ever make. But care must be exercised to make the most informed decision possible. Destination Hope is a Florida drug rehab & rehabilitation, alcohol recovery and addiction treatment facility for men located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Our unique drug rehab and alcohol recovery program treats people addicted to these substances in a comfortable environment with goal-oriented recovery protocols. We understand that every person’s battle with drug and alcohol addiction is different. As such we have several drug and alcohol rehab programs that are tailored specifically to the addicted individual’s needs. We treat people that are physically and/or psychologically dependent on chemical substances in an environment conducive and proven to garner maximum results.